The Scientist's Toolbox

"To succeed in a given task, must take advantage of the tools." - a Chinese proverb recounted by Raphael Tsu in his book "Superlattice to Nanoelectronics."

Scroll down through the following topics:


Research ethics and work environment

How to research?

Environmental Health and Safety

Science in Sweden

Experimental techniques 








Open access 

Crystallography and structure


Online seminar series 

Motivation and resilience

Research ethics, work environment, and mental health

Specific to Doctoral Education:

How to research?

How does one learn how to conduct research? It has been a sum of lived experiences, pursued passions, interactions with teachers, mentors, and collaborators, observations of role models from close and afar, memorized bits and pieces of wisdom, and experiences of others shared through the books and articles here and there. Nevertheless, the mind seeks a structured narration that captures that experience, reminds, and guides through the surrounding noise and information. No single resource captures all of the aspects of how to research, but the ones that have been most helpful from my experience are listed below.

Environmental Health and Safety

Science in Sweden

Experimental techniques





Arguably, presenting the results of one's work is one of the most important parts of being a scientist. Clear and effective communication is essential if you aim to convince an audience (generally speaking) of the value of what you do as well as of yourself. Given how much time, effort, and passion the scientists put into their work that is virtually hidden, it is only logical that presentation should get serious attention, thought, and preparation. 



Personal webpage is a replacement for a paper business card. I encourage every early career researcher (the earlier, the better) to maintain a website. Make it into a single destination for anyone interested in your research and profile (for example, it could be someone looking for a postdoc or a faculty candidate, or a member of interviewing/recruiting committee). The website will also serve as a funnel once you place a link to it across various academic/professional social media (Google Scholar, ORCID, LinkedIn, etc.). For the content, consider an updated CV/resume, list of publications, description of completed/ongoing projects, teaching, outreach activities, science communication blog, recorded presentations, samples of the code, etc.

Open access

Crystallography and structure


Various interesting and useful resources about the physics of the world around us:

Online seminar series

A non-exhaustive list of regular chemistry/nano-related webinars to sustain independent learning:

Motivation and resilience

A partial list of resources that I turn to for inspiration and grit.